Jamie Garrod from New Zealand Mountain Biking is an esteemed MTB skills instructor and tour guide. He was an early adopter of BrakeAce since he could easily see how brake sensors and braking analysis could benefit the riders he worked with -- and even benefit his own riding.
I was fortunate to be able to join up with Jamie in an effort to improve my own riding using what he has learned about braking and The BrakeAce Method. We recorded the journey and Jamie made a video [below] about the session for his YouTube channel.
And what a session it was!
We both used BrakeAce on our bikes, and the whole session (including recording!) took around 3 hours.
We both knew the trail very well (over 30 attempts on Strava for me!)
We used The BrakeAce Method, during which we spent time sessioning and working on skills to improve in our Key Opportunities. We didn't work on any other parts of the trail.
I really benefitted from slow-mo video of myself riding through my biggest Key Opportunity. Jamie suggested I focus on unweighting in non-braking points, and pressing harder into the ground for my [now shorter] braking zones.
It worked! Not only did I get faster and improve my FlowScore, but so did he!
Check out the video here:
As you can see, this session was a really good time. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel a bit of pressure as "the student" in this case, but under confidence-inspiring tutelage, I quickly forgot about that.
Thanks Jamie for the good time out!